Wednesday, March 04, 2015

The Guam NPTE experience

It has always been a dream of mine to be able to work in the US. As a Filipino PT, I am required to take a licensure exam abroad to be able to practice my profession in the US.

Which brought me to the beautiful state of Guam - which is where I took my exam.

I'm posting this blog so future PTs - who would want to take an exam there - would have an overview of what to expect (and visit!) when they plan to take the dreaded NPTE exam.

Outside the Guam International Airport

Don't forget to bring this home!!! 
You can buy it at ABC stores for $7-8. But they're cheaper at K-Mart ($5)

Get some "before-exam anxiety stress"  out your system by walking at the Ypao Beach 

Never skip visiting this legendary spot! - Two Lovers Point. 
Legend tells that an ancient couple jumped off this cliff with their hairs braided! 

The whole area is decorated by these colorful hearts immortalizing the words written by all the lovers who visited the area  

Also, the sunset view will leave you gasping for words. 

With my Avant co-examinees. :) 

Panoramic view of the church

If you're taking the exam at the Bank of Hawaii building, this church is located a few blocks away; so you can drop by before/after your exam if you wish. When we visited here, there was a lady asking for "donations" before you enter the church, I can't remember the exact price though. 

We also tried visiting some of Guam's historical spots. 
This spot is actually behind the church! So it was very easy to get here. :) 

More pictures!! :) 

Still from the Bank of Hawaii, if you want to visit Chamorro Village - just cross the street!! 
However, locals say that it is best to visit Chamorro Village during Wednesdays from 6PM to maximize the experience. :)

 The BBQ is really tempting!! And yeah, these amazing cooks are Filipinos also!

This is what I'm talking about going here at nighttime! :)

I love smoothies and this one is definitely one of the best-est I've had!!! 
Please do try it - Coconut Mango Smoothie. :) Very refreshing. :)

More shops to buy pasalubongs. :)

To finish the day, we went to The Beach to drink cocktails literally by the beach! :)) 
You have to come here a little early though (7pm-ish) if you want to witness their live performances. 
When we arrived, the band playing just finished their set and it's just around 9PM! 

This is just a quick guide about the places you must go to when you visit Guam. 
It had been easy for us to roam around because one of us rented a car. But if you don't have access to private transportation, bus stops are available at the different malls. Sooo, it's also easy to mall-hop! :)) And there are a lot of outlet stores so don't forget to check them out. ;)

But at the end of the day, it's all about choosing the best way to destress yourself so you'll have more energy to face the exam and pass it! :) Goodluck, future RPT! ;) 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry merry Christmaaaas!!!

Kimono Jackets!!

Funny story was we only knew were supposed to go to a debut party the day before. I didn’t bring any dress home so we had a super rush shopping day to find an outfit by the night. :)))

Good thing I brought the Kimono jacket I bought from St James Bazaar. And I found some great platforms in a local store here in province.

So there, found a red dress that I thought will be great with my Kimono and bought it.

The 4 inch platforms are really attractive but at the end of the night my feet are already giving up. But it was all worth it! No pain, no fashion. :)))

Some girls just need to sacrifice comfort for style. :)

Happy holidays everyone!!!